Nitin Kapoor #nskspeaks
3 min readDec 6, 2020


RISE through adversity!

#sundayseries #nskspeaks

Each one of us have experienced fall and rise as a child playing with our friends and/or siblings. Interestingly, to rise came naturally to us after every fall. The will to be up and participate again or to prove the point that the fall didn’t hurt us, and to rise was a regular part of the play. So then what happened as we started to grow up, that what was our inherent strength, “to rise after every fall”, seem to just disappear from our options……….

Lot of conversations have happened, especially this year around these lines, making me realise that some of the soundest of people known have let their guards down failing to invoke one of their natural strengths, that is, to rise up post experiencing a tough situation. As you reflect deeper or introspect as you yourself face one, it seems the care free attitude as a child was the reason for us to rise after every fall! As adult, multiple reasons seem to be holding us back, some under our influence and some not.

Be it personal or professional space, none is perfect, but it definitely is difficult to perform and feel your best when there’s dysfunction or disruption all around you. These unwanted situations come unannounced, are annoying and tend to pull you down. If left unchecked or unattended, they will ensure you don’t get to rise again. Always remember that no outside force can change your mindset or your beliefs, only you can. In times of uncertainty and adversity the self-development you have done will be the deciding factor in how you handle difficult situations and people. Key is to be able to rise and take it all on!

RISE through adversity is about you taking charge of your life. It matters when you stand up to every situation, literally look into its eye and say, I am ready! I have had my share of difficult times and post some initial reversals, learnt to manage myself and stand up through adversity in the life journey. RISE means….

Respond – it’s natural to react under pressure and that’s our first self-goal, letting the situation take more advantage. First identify what floored you and then prepare your response. As you lye there use the countdown to your advantage and rise ready to block the next blow and give one back as you take charge of the situation

Integrity – when life gets tough, everything around you seems to be inviting to compromise and it seems to be easiest way out. Probably your toughest test in life and one that you need to pass. Be a person with integrity through the toughest phase of your life and stand true to who you are

Stubbornness – let the child in you take over and be stubborn to not let go of your core purpose. Be stubborn to take on the situation at hand and not throw in the towel. Be stubborn to back your strengths and believe that you can rise again as you have always done before

Emotions – you have no control on the flow of your emotions but can definitely manage it to your advantage. Call it emotional intelligence or quotient, it helps to understand your own set of emotions and then manage them in positive ways to relieve stress and overcome challenges. It also enables you to communicate effectively with people through difficult times and clearly see things from a wholesome perspective

All of you have risen before in life and there is nothing that stops from doing that again. Stand tall, be a leader and remember why you do what you do. You are someone who has unlimited potential, and all you need to do is unlock it. Simply, RISE through adversity!




Nitin Kapoor #nskspeaks

Enabling transformation - people and business, leadership development! Humanist, Storyteller, Lifelong learner! Make every moment count and enjoy it too!